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How Downsizing Companies Make Selling Your Home and Moving Into Senior Living Fast and Easy

Downsizing concept.

When you no longer want or need the space your home provides—and you’re enticed by the idea of a retirement lifestyle with fewer responsibilities—downsizing and moving to a senior living community may be the perfect solution.

What Downsizing Entails

Depending on your personal circumstances, downsizing can mean different things, or even a combination of scenarios. It might mean cutting back on your physical living space so you have less square footage to maintain, or it may just mean less unused space in a home that feels too big now that your kids are grown.


Downsizing can also have financial implications if you’re tired of paying for heating, cooling, and other upkeep on a home that’s bigger than you need. If you’re still paying a mortgage, downsizing can eliminate that debt load and might even provide equity that allows you to pay down other debt.


Put simply, downsizing generally means reducing your responsibility, whether personally and/or financially, by moving to a new home with a smaller footprint.


Understand Your Motivation

Once you’ve decided that downsizing is the right move, you’ll want to take some time planning and organizing to ensure a smooth transition. One of the first steps is to be sure you understand your motivation for downsizing since this answer will help guide everything that follows. If your plan is to relocate so you’re closer to loved ones, the location of your new home will be key. Are you looking forward to traveling in retirement? A senior living community with strong security—perhaps a gated community like Winchester Gardens—is a must.


Once you find a community you’re excited to call home, you’ll be eager to put your downsizing plan in motion so you can get moved and settled quickly and begin enjoying your newfound freedom, along with all the amenities and lifestyle your new community offers.


Enlist Expert Assistance

Fortunately, although downsizing is a hefty undertaking, you can hire downsizing companies for seniors that specialize in helping older adults who are moving to a senior living community. These senior move managers are well-versed in how to downsize efficiently and effectively, often based on years of experience working with seniors and their families. They serve as a logistical clearing house so all of the moving pieces fall into place, with minimal stress for you and your loved ones.

Senior move managers often rely on a list of trusted vendors so they can recommend and help you screen the service providers you may need along the way, such as a real estate agent, movers, and a cleaning crew to prepare your home for its new owners. 


They can provide decluttering tips and help you get your belongings organized. Some downsizing companies will even help you plan for your new home by assessing your new floor plan and offering suggestions about how to fit your belongings into the new space. They may also be able to help you dispose of the things you no longer want or need, whether that’s through an estate auction, donations, or other means. Then, they may be able to help pack, unpack, and get you settled in your new home.


Practical benefits aside, a senior move manager has the training and compassion to help guide you through what can be an emotional experience. Remember, while caring and empathetic, the move manager won’t have the emotional attachment to your things or circumstances that you and your family members feel, so they’re able to approach your move with an open mind and positive solutions. 


Even when you’re excited about the move and what lies ahead, downsizing is a big life transition. Seasoned senior move managers are able to work closely with you to offer solutions and address worries you may have along the way.


Choosing a Downsizing Company

Like any service provider you entrust with your home and belongings, it’s a good idea to thoroughly screen a potential downsizing company before making a formal commitment. You’ll want to collect information about how they approach downsizing, their timeline, and expectations to ensure you understand what to expect and that the company can provide the services you need.


Ask if you can meet the person who will be handling your move, so you can ensure your personalities and styles are a good match. Also ask for referrals and check for reviews online, as well as looking into the company’s standing with the local Better Business Bureau. Also be sure you understand the company’s policies for handling problems, damaged goods, and other mishaps that could occur.


Another option is to check with your new community about the downsizing and relocation services they offer. For example, Winchester Gardens’ Move Ahead program removes many of the hassles and obstacles associated with moving, including providing Certified Downsizers.


Your Downsizing Destination

With beautiful villa and apartment options nestled on 37 peaceful acres in charming Maplewood, New Jersey, Winchester Gardens is an attractive option for seniors who are downsizing. Learn more about our enriching retirement lifestyle by contacting us today.

Resources to help you make your move.

Winchester gardens outdoor path in daytime

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